At present, people have become very status-conscious. They want to buy branded things. People living in India will try to buy products made in the UK and the USA. Do you wonder how they are compelled to buy global products? That’s the power of marketing. However, to promote your brand in a foreign land is way more difficult than marketing it in the homeland. To stand out and make your mark, you need to hire professional advertising translation services.
Advertising translation helps to attract people by translating the content while keeping regional and cultural intricacies in view.
Bad and Good Advertising Translation
Sometimes advertising translation could be of better quality. This is because of the reason; the advertisement and brochure of the products are released in bulk. You can say that it is like printing your marketing material from an old printer and then sending it to potential clients. Just like, bad presentation affects the audience in a bad way, similarly, poor marketing and advertising translation leaves a bad brand impression on potential customers. Whether it is professional financial translation services or medical translation services each field has its Ins and outs. You can save yourself from embarrassing translation blunders if you adapt the marketing material according to the local cultures. Advertising and marketing translation requires a thorough knowledge of the culture to know how your brand can convey the same compelling message in other languages and how it is perceived in the target market.
Significance of Marketing and Advertising Translation
The significance of marketing and advertising translation can be judged by the fact that it gives your brand a global identity while keeping its originality unchanged. On the contrary, if you go for a literal translation of marketing and advertising content, then it will damage your brand image. Marketing is a very wide field and advertisement is one part of it. The content of the marketing and advertising campaigns plays an important role in communicating your brand message to the masses. It acts like a king. Therefore, well-written content helps you to establish a global brand image and increase profit.
How is Marketing and Advertisement Translation Different?
You must know the objective of marketing and advertising copy. Whether you want to introduce your brand or want to talk about the specifications and benefits of the product, it is very important to understand the purpose of marketing and advertising content. By understanding the purpose, you can easily achieve your business goal. For the accurate translation of advertisements, you should ensure that your message is creative enough to convey your brand message.
Marketing is about conveying the advertisement message in a holistic way that resonates with the culture, no matter where it is in the world. You can attain accurate marketing and advertisement translations if you know the insights of the target market. Creativity also holds an important role in advertisements. Creative writers can easily develop advertising campaigns that can resonate with the target market.
Do you want to know the difference between a technical translation and a marketing and advertisement translation? Technical translator keeps itself close to the translation and goes for literal translation. On the contrary, marketing translation follows the style and tone of the brand.
Things You Should Know about Marketing and Advertising Translation
If you want to sell your brands in different countries that speak multiple languages, then you must communicate with them in their native language. Here comes the importance of marketing and advertising translation services. It involves the translation of all the marketing content, whether it is social media, specifications of products and services or advertisement material for broadcast. You cannot do a direct translation of all these contents. Therefore, you must hire a professional translation company. They provide you with cultural-specific, translation services according to your business requirements.
Considering the Local Culture
You should hire a translator who is native to that region because he is aware of the traditions and values of the local culture. The biggest challenge comes when cultural differences are noticeable. So the translator should be very careful in using idiomatic differences and images while doing marketing and advertisement translation. Some words have no equivalent words in other languages. Moreover, some images and expressions are not acceptable in other cultures. Therefore, the marketing and advertising translation should have a local touch. For this, consider cultural intricacies and go for localization services.
Use of Idioms
Idioms and metaphors are immensely used in marketing and advertising content, however, people living in a specific region can only understand them. Sometimes, marketing content is not translated properly because of cultural intricacies. Translators also follow this rule in humor. Therefore, you should hire a professional translation agency that specializes in marketing and advertising translation.
One of the advantages of working with a professional translation company is that they employ native translators who know the cultural differences well and provide you with a translation that is not word-to-word. They consider the reference that depends upon the target market. Moreover, professional translators can develop appealing and compelling translations in other languages. These messages are not like original messages, but they deliver the same intended message.
Use of Slogans
Slogans are the compelling part of advertisement content. Moreover, copywriters view them carefully. One of the biggest challenges of translating the slogan is that it can’t be translated in the same way for all the markets.
The biggest translation blunder in the history of translation occurred when China tried to translate Pepsi’s slogan ‘Come Alive! You’re in The Pepsi Generation’ When it was translated, it said Pepsi brings your ancestors back from the grave. This mistake resulted in a huge loss to Pepsi in terms of finance and reputation.
Wrapping Up
Are you ready to advertise your products and services globally with marketing translation services? For this, you must understand the thin line between language and culture. With the affluent marketing translation, you can expand your business easily outside the borders and earn handsome revenue from international business.