Guy Ritchie’s The Covenant
The Covenant is an upcoming action crime thriller co-written, co-produced and directed by Guy Ritchie, starring Jake Gyllenhaal and Dar Salim. The film, set in a military context in response to terrorism, promises action as well as a message reflecting a soldier’s bond with his comrade.
The Covenant Budget:
The Covenant is made with a whopping budget of US $55 million. The Covenant is estimated to earn around US $100 million at the worldwide box office. The film will be a hit, but it won’t do astronomical numbers at the box office. The Covenant is going to be one of those film that will get better box office response than anticipated right now.
The Covenant Star Cast Salary:
- Jake Gyllenhaal as Sergeant John Kinley
Salary :$2.5 million
Dar Salim as Ahmed
Salary : $800,000
Alexander Ludwig
Salary: $ 500,000
Antony Starr
Salary: $ 400,000
The Covenant Plot:
The Covenant, with tag line “A bond. A pledge. A commitment”, tells the story of Sergeant John Kinley (Jake Gyllenhaal) band Interpreter Ahmed(Dar Salim). Kinley recruits Ahmed to interpret with locals and guide them through terrains during their mission in Afghanistan l, and it turns out that Ahmed really needs this job. When soldier’s platoon confronts the Taliban in the dessert, they are caught off guard, and the enemies knock Kinley down in hopes of taking him hostage.
However, Ahmed steps in and finishes off the rest of the Taliban, thereby rescuing Kinley by dragging him through the dessert mountains to avoid the Taliban’s sight. It turns out that Ahmed did not join the team for financial reasons but because he sought revenge on Taliban for killing his son. At this point, John Kinley is thankful for his second chance at life and has returned to his homeland.
Then he learns that Ahmed has been pursued by the Taliban and is holed up somewhere in Afghanistan. When the authorities don’t respond to his frantic requests, he goes to Afghanistan on his own to rescue the friend who risked his life for a total stranger. Will he be in time to save Ahmed? or will he face the same date at the hands of Taliban. Find out by watching one of the year’s most anticipated film releasing on 21 April,2023.
The Covenant Streaming Options:
Want to watch ‘Guy Ritchie’s The Covenant ‘ on your TV or mobile device at home? Hunting down a streaming service to buy, rent, download or watch the Guy Ritchie-directed movie via subscription can be difficult, so this article will specify about the options available.
The Covenant movie you don’t want to miss with stunning visuals and an action-packed plot! The Covenant Online is free, which includes streaming Options such as 123movies, Reddit, or HBO max or Netflix.
Currently, there are no platforms that have rights to watch Guy Ritchie’s The Covenant Movie free online. MAPPA has decided to air the movie online in theatres because it has been a huge success. However, If you get subscription to cable or satellite TV services you can watch on the MTV Channel.
There are many platforms like Netflix, Crunchyroll, Hulu, Amazon Prime, Disney+, Funimation where The Covenant is not currently available online but soon to be release on platforms as video-on-demand in the coming months till go book the Guy Ritchie’s The Covenant 2023 movie tickets and enjoy the movie filled with thriller, adventure, and action.
The Covenant Trailer
The movie was released in Feb 2023 and showed the bond which grows with time between two individuals from different lands born and brought in different situations. The movie captures the basic urge of humans to payback and stand up for those individuals in life who stood for you. These individuals may not have any blood relationship but you stand up as you want to have that feeling of being honest to yourself.
The Covenant Production Companies:
- Fresco Film Services
- STX Films
- Toff Guy Films
There are trailer available for The Covenant that creates sort of tension one can expect from a movie within this genre, keeping any viewer on the edge of their seat. Following the trailer, fans will already have some sense of the plot to the film and just how crucial it will be. For a film of this nature , it can be easy to focus on the main characters and forget just how crucial a resemble cast is. Luckily, the casting team of Guy Ritchie’s The Covenant has pulled out all the stops in their pursuit of great ensemble cast.